Is it possible to meet a problem without a brain that is already conditioned to solve problems? From a brain that is conditioned to solve problems, we are always seeking solutions to problems...Now, how can the brain solve problems if it is not free from problems? It's a rather interesting question this, please let us go into this. Our brains are conditioned to the resolution of problems, solution of problems, from childhood. And as the brain is conditioned to solve problems it is always seeking a solution. And it is not understanding the problem itself but the solution of the problem, right? Is it possible... to have a brain that is not conditioned to problems? A conditioned brain which is embedded in problems can never solve problems. Is it possible to have a brain that is not conditioned to the solution of problems but to the understanding of problems? Isn't there a difference between the solutions of problems and the understandings of the problem? In the understand...
The ground - nameless, silence, call it what you like. It is there. And the mind wants to capture "that", to have relationship with it. Sorry, you can't. That's all!