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Showing posts from March, 2021

Have you not noticed that love is silence? Have you not noticed that love is silence? It may be while holding the hand of another, or looking lovingly at a child, or taking in the beauty of an evening. Love has no past or future, and so it is with this extraordinary state of silence. “When we say we love somebody, what do we mean? We mean we possess that person. From that possession arises jealousy, because if I lose him or her what happens? I feel empty, lost; therefore I legalize possession; I hold him or her. From holding, possessing that person, there is jealousy, there is fear, and all the innumerable conflicts that arise from possession. Surely such possession is not love, is it?” ― Jiddu Krishnamurti, Relationships to Oneself, to Others, to the World “Deeply our life is a confusion, a mess, a misery, an agony. The more sensitive we are, the more the despair, the anxiety, the guilt feeling, and naturally we want to escape f...

Why is there this demand for pleasure? | J. Krishnamurti

  So we are asking: why man, throughout the world, at whatever level of society, class he may be, this is one thing he is pursuing, in the name of god, in the name of religion, in the name of politics – pleasure, with which goes power, position, prestige and all the rest of it – why? You understand? Why are you, as a human being, representing the world, which you are, why are you pursuing pleasure? Observe it – not right or wrong. Why is there this demand? You understand? When you go to church, when you go to a temple, it is another form of pleasure. Sexual pleasure, the pleasure of possession, the pleasure of denial, the pleasure of austerity, the pleasure of abundance, the pleasure of possession, the pleasure of detachment, the pleasure of achievement, the pleasure of renunciation; the pleasure of completely controlling your body. This immense structure of pleasure is one of the factors of our consciousness, perhaps it may be one of the major factors. So why? You understand? You...

Truth cannot be sought; it comes to you.

Truth is in every leaf, every tear God or truth cannot be thought about. If you think about it, it is not truth. Truth cannot be sought; it comes to you. You can go after only what is known. When the mind is not tortured by the known, by the effects of the known, then only can truth reveal itself. Truth is in every leaf, every tear; it is to be known from moment to moment. No one can lead you to truth; and if anyone leads you, it can only be to the known.

Can one live in a timeless state? | J. Krishnamurti

  Death is not the opposite of living...

Pain is the reaction to attachment

 K: Yes, I am something. When that thing, when that thing is not, I am nothing. And therefore it is still - sir, when I say I'm nothing, it is still thought. It is not an actuality. Beauty: when you sit in the front of the ocean, some marvelous beauty of it and it drive all your probs away... But then thought come in, want to record it, selfies, take photo, painting... to "share" ? Be careful with this moment... Many time I got beautiful sight of blossom, of beautiful paddy or garden... and I don't care I have gopro or hardware to record it ? K: Learnt what? At a superficial level? The top layer? You don't have to come here to learn the top layer. You follow? (Laughs) So have you learnt about yourself, learnt all about yourself, not just one layer of yourself - the whole content of yourself. Now, the whole - can you watch - I am coming back to the same thing - can you watch the whole content of yourself? D...