When people get tired of their meaningless, monotonous lives, they can find excitement in a variety of ways. Some find religion, some earn a degree, and still others take the metaphorical defibrillator to their life and shock the ever living fuck out of it -- and probably die in the process.
http://www.katinkahesselink.net/kr/confiden.html https://ernietheattorney.net/a-confident-man-is-a-dead-human-being/ https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0060648082/ernietheattor-20/103-5695954-1041405 I’m reading this book, which I’ve read before. Somehow this time the ideas seem less abstract. I enjoyed this passage, and carefully underlined it: "In order to understand ourselves we need a great deal of humility. If you start by saying, ‘I know myself’, you have already stopped learning about yourself…A confident man is a dead human being." I especially love that Krishnamurti doesn’t profess to be able to impart any great truth, which this passage shows quite nicely: "I have nothing to teach you — no new philosophy, no new system, no new path to reality; there is no path to reality any more than to truth. All authority of any kind, especially in the field of thought and understanding, is the most destructive, evil thing. Leaders destroy...
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