K: What is the relationship of violence, which is an actual fact, to truth? What is the actual relationship to a recognised, well-known factor in oneself as envy, greed, fear, to truth? Right? What is truth? We will come to that. I daren't touch it for the moment. But we can go into this question by being aware what is reality. Fact - right? - facts, 'what is', reality, truth. What would we call facts, 'what is'? What would you say, or describe, or talk about, 'what is', actually 'what is', not theoretical, not abstracted, not an abstraction, or a supposition. When we say 'fact', 'what is', what do we mean by those two words? Right? Facts. The fact is that there is war. Right? The fact is that human beings are violent. The fact is there are national divisions, political divisions, religious divisions, ideological divisions. Right? You and me - division, the woman and the man - division. And the fact is, where there is division there ...
The ground - nameless, silence, call it what you like. It is there. And the mind wants to capture "that", to have relationship with it. Sorry, you can't. That's all!