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Fact, Reality and Truth

 K: What is the relationship of violence, which is an actual fact, to truth? What is the actual relationship to a recognised, well-known factor in oneself as envy, greed, fear, to truth? Right? What is truth? We will come to that. I daren't touch it for the moment. But we can go into this question by being aware what is reality. Fact - right? - facts, 'what is', reality, truth.

What would we call facts, 'what is'? What would you say, or describe, or talk about, 'what is', actually 'what is', not theoretical, not abstracted, not an abstraction, or a supposition. When we say 'fact', 'what is', what do we mean by those two words? Right? Facts. The fact is that there is war. Right? The fact is that human beings are violent. The fact is there are national divisions, political divisions, religious divisions, ideological divisions. Right? You and me - division, the woman and the man - division. And the fact is, where there is division there is conflict - the Jew, the Arab and so on and so on, the Muslim and the Hindu, and so on. So where there is division there is conflict. That is a fact. That is a law. Right?

Now what is reality then? Is fact different from reality? And is reality different from truth? You understand? Please, this needs a little bit of enquiry into this. The questioner asked also: in observation is there transformation, morally - if I understood that question rightly. Now we are going to observe together this problem, this question. The fact, what actually is going on, reality, and truth. We said facts, or what actually is - short, tall, broad, brown, white hair, pink and so on, so on, black. Those are facts. The conclusions from those facts - like and dislike - though they are reality as illusions. Right? Reality - no, I must go slowly, I mustn't go quickly.

So, let's go - fact, 'what is', reality and truth. What is the relationship between these three? Is this clear? Let's move. Don't be impatient, please.

Q: Sir, is the fact a fact without words every second?

K: Is a fact without words. I make a gesture, that is without words, but it is a fact. I look at you, friendly, or with antagonism. That's a fact, there is no word. That's one point.

What is reality? Let's come to the next. What is reality, the real, the actual? Would you say everything that thought has created is reality? Thought has created this tent. Right? It is a reality. Thought has created this microphone. It is a reality. Right? Thought has created the various illusions, which is a reality. Because it is created, one lives with it. You are following? Whatever thought creates is a reality - the building, technological things that thought has produced technologically - computers, televisions and so on, so on. Everything that thought has created is a reality, including the illusions that thought has created. Nationality is an illusion. Right? And god is an illusion, thought has created it. Right? But thought has not created nature - the tree, the things that are outside. Right? But the chair, made out of the wood of a tree is a reality. Please, go into... Right? Thought has not created nature, but thought making a chair out of a tree is a reality. So thought has not created nature. One of the questions was: what is the relationship of man and nature. Right?



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