There are those who say, “Take the present and make the best of it”; that is also an act of despair. Really one should not ask whether or not it is right to commit suicide; one should ask what brings about the state of mind that has no hope—though hope is the wrong word because hope implies a future; one should ask rather, how does a life come about that is without time? To live without time is really to have this sense of great love, because love is not of time, love is not something that was or will be; to explore this and live with it is the real question. Whether to commit suicide or not is the question of a man who is already partially dead. Hope is the most dreadful thing. Wasn’t it Dante who said, “Leave hope behind when you enter the Inferno”? To him, paradise was hope, that’s horrible.
Rarely JK quote other writer. Oh Dante, do u know him ?
Inferno = Hell (in Portugal or Italian ?)
Dzung Nguyen 3:06 PM
People throughout the world seem to think that freedom is the fruit of prolonged discipline. To see clearly is its own discipline. To see clearly there must be freedom, not a controlled vision. So freedom is not at the end of discipline, but the understanding of freedom is its own discipline.
2nd reader page 146
Dzung Nguyen 3:49 PM
yeah, recently we have some grasp for a bit relax on main work
it like some previous situation when the project, work, tasks etc. seem run well.
And there are still some/many volatile avalanches out there, especially in FFF.
without some retire, it hard to keep long work, but some 'look ok' state may cut off/crowding out sometime for side task (like fix smthing)...
it lost precise time for predict & handle, reinforcement learning...
anyway, miss out some thing or keep long time work ... is not easy and we doomed from the start when employee, exp like XP dev .
Belief like any other ideal is an escape from “what is”. When there is no fear then the mind is in quite a different dimension. Only then can you ask the question whether there is a God or not. A mind clouded by fear or belief is incapable of any kind of understanding, any realization of what truth is.
171 2nd reader
Yeah, this cool words answer why in some situation like my uncle, it seem nothing can help them since they are in un-conciousness state, so they breed fear and u know fear clouded their mind blocking the capability of understanding
.Freedom from belief is necessary to face the fact of fear. Belief like any other ideal is an escape from “what is”. When there is no fear then the mind is in quite a different dimension. Only then can you ask the question whether there is a God or not. A mind clouded by fear or belief is incapable of any kind of understanding, any realization of what truth is. Such a mind lives in illusion and can obviously not come upon that which is Supreme. The Supreme has nothing to do with your or anybody else’s belief, opinion or conclusion
old read but still stunning
Not knowing, you believe, but to know is not to know. To know is within the tiny field of time and the mind that says, “I know”, is bound by time and so cannot possibly understand that which is. After all, when you say, “I know my wife and my friend”, you know only the image or the memory, and this is the past. Therefore you can never actually know anybody or anything. You cannot know a living thing, only a dead thing. When you see this you will no longer think of relationship in terms of knowing. So one can never say, “There is no God”, or “I know God”. Both these are a blasphemy. To understand that which is there must be freedom, not only from the known but also from the fear of the known and from the fear of the unknown.
Questioner: You speak of understanding that which “is” and yet you deny the validity of knowing. What is this understanding if it is not knowing? KRISHNAMURTI: The two are quite different. Knowing is always related to the past and therefore it binds you to the past. Unlike knowing, understanding is not a conclusion, not accumulation. If you have listened you have understood. Understanding is attention. When you attend completely you understand. So the understanding of fear is the ending of fear. Your belief can therefore no longer be the predominant factor; the understanding of fear is predominant. When there is no fear there is freedom. It is only then that one can find what is true. When that which “is” is not distorted by fear then that which “is” is true. It is not the word. You cannot measure truth with words. Love is not a word nor a belief nor something that you can capture and say, “It is mine”. Without love and beauty, that which you call God is nothing at all.
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