Dialogue 3 Malibu, California, USA
January 27, 1972
Q: Are the various scriptures of India and the Middle East similar to or in contradiction to your teaching?
Can thought end right through one's consciousness? Must thought not end for something new to be observed?
How does the mind look at itself? Does it look as an observer different from the observed, or without the observer and therefore there is only the observed?
Can consciousness empty itself of its content?
What has happened to the mind that has discarded the weight of becoming, of tradition, myth, gurus and authority?
A mind that has no space can never find truth. A mind that is not empty can never find truth.
Remaining with the fact of hurt.
When you are nothing, you love.
There is a movement in silence that has no beginning and no end, a movement that is always new.
Inquiry is different from effort, from seeking, from achievement.
This belonging to another, being psychologically nourished by another, depending on another- in all this there must always be anxiety, fear, guilt, and jealousy, and so long as there is fear there can be no love; a mind ridden with sorrow will never know what love is; sentimentality and emotionalism have nothing whatsoever to do with love. And so love is not to do with pleasure and desire. Love is not the product of thought which is the past. Thought cannot possibly cultivate love. Love is always active present. If you know love, you will not follow anybody. Love does not obey. When you love there is neither respect nor disrespect. Do you know what it means to love somebody- to love without hate, jealousy, fear, anger, or wanting to interfere with what one is doing or thinking, without condemning or comparing?
Have you ever cried for another? If you cry out of self-pity, your tears have no meaning because you are only concerned about yourself. If you cry because you are bereft of someone in whom you have invested a great deal of affection, it was not really affection. Sorrow is self-created, sorrow is created by thought, sorrow is the outcome of time.
You can see all this happening inside yourself if you really watch it. You can see it fully, completely, in one glance, not to take analytical time over it. You can see in a moment the whole structure and nature of this shoddy little thing called ‘me’. My tears, my family, my nation, my belief, my religion- all that ugliness, it’s all inside you. When you see it with your heart, not with your mind, when you see it from the very bottom of your heart, then you have the key that will end sorrow.
When the brain is completely quiet, it is empty. It is only through emptiness that anything can be perceived.
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